P.A.S.S. Employee Training
Required by Cal OSHA Employee PASS training is great way to fulfill OSHA requirements and show employees proper operation of a fire extinguisher, evacuation plans, and other safety tips. Schedule with one of our senior technicians for your next group next safety meeting. We typically recommend hand-on demos to groups of no larger than 35 at a time. Our representative will cover how to properly use a fire extinguisher to extinguisher a fire. Then, the floor is turned over to members of the class for demonstrating how to use a CO2 extinguisher to extinguish a live fire.
Have a large group company or organization? No problem. Using power point and either projection screen or group internet access a large group can follow along through an interactive program and lecture on proper safety and evacuation techniques. Have a safety meeting and need to fill an hour or more? Let us know your needs. So-Cal State Fire has all kinds of other activities; games with prizes, evacuation drills, group site mapping of your location, fire hazard awareness, “near miss” lottery games and other fun and fact filled plans for group safety education.